Stingray : Arrgh, take that you scurvy- !

What’s this then?

I feel a lot lighter than before.

Badger : I think we’re dead Cap’n!


Stingray: Arr, appears so First Mate Badger.
But looks like one of our crewmates here at least made it back alive. Tell me matey, did we at least send those bilgerats to Davey Jones Locker?

Course we did! Hahaha, course we did!
And I see you and the remaining crew took heed and delivered me back to me homeland! I coulda never asked for a better crew! Yo-ho-ho
Well, I guess that leaves only thing to take care of - Our treasure! Now none of these poor blokes here at Skippers Poine know this, but me treasure has been buried right under their noses this whole time. Har har har.

Err, now where was that again?

Badger : I don't remember Cap'n.

Stingray: Argh, me neither laddie. I suppose too many nights drinking grog’ll do that to ya!
And course we never told the crew, neither.
Well, there be at least one other person who might know. Me previous Bosun! He be retired right here and now runs the Hideaway Inn. Poor bastard, wasting away keeping others beds instead of on the high seas! Anyhow, I’d start there, see if he has been keeping it nice and safe.